There is currently a discussion happening throughout the Curly Community, specifically on social media sites,
like FaceBook and Instagram.
As I realize that not all of my guests are online or on these platforms, I felt it was important to notify you that I have recently become aware of the scope of the issue being attributed to the use of DevaCurl products. If you are currently using any DevaCurl products, especially if you have noticed an increase in hair loss or scalp issues, please see the statement they have issued HERE. You may also email them directly with any questions or concerns that you have HERE.
I have discontinued use, both personally and professionally. I am available to answer any questions and assist you in the search for alternative products. I have found Innersense Organic Beauty to have a Clean, Pure product line that has worked for many of my curly guests. It is also the product line that I am using.
As always, I am happy to provide you samples of any products. If you would like more information about any products or if you have any questions, please contact me.